Joining is easy! Stop in or call the pro shop to complete our membership application and return it with payment. We also take applications over the phone! Give us a shout at 816-324-7575!
- Annual Golf Membership term is June 1 – May 31. Memberships purchased or renewed prior to June 1, 2024 are valid from date of purchase through May 31, 2026.
- Family Memberships are for a household (spouse and children 21 and under). Families must live in same household. Adult children 22 and older are eligible to purchase a Young Adult membership.
- Corporate Memberships are available for employees of Mosaic, Boehringer Ingelheim, Altec, and Savannah R3 School District. Must present an employee ID card or other form of work verification.
- To arrange a corporate membership for your company or business, Duncan Hills must have a minimum of 10 paid membership applications from your employee roster.
- Annual Cart Storage, Rental Cart Plans, and Trail Fee plans are available only with a membership purchase. All golf cart drivers must be 16 years of age or older.